Springbrook Mobile Food Bank

The Springbrook Mobile Food Bank grew out of a need identified by the Lakewood Collaboration, but has since grown to become a self-sustaining and community-centered program. Like the St. Leo Food Bank, this program works to provide three days of food for each client’s household. The stops are now sites for community gardens, distributions of school supplies, and community meals that bring everyone in the Springbrook neighborhood together.

Mobile Food Bank Stops & Hours


The Springbrook Mobile Food Bank delivers to three sites in the Springbrook neighborhood most Saturdays and four sites on the 3rd Saturday of every month.

10am – 10:45am Springbrook Park

11am – 11:45am Lincoln Ave & Boston

Noon – 12:45pm San Francisco & True Lane (outside Centerforce)

1pm – 1:45pm City of Faith Christian Center  (3rd Saturday only)

Your First Time Visiting?

The Springbrook Mobile Food Bank is a walk-up food bank, so no appointment is necessary. No documents are needed. Please be prepared to answer the following questions:


First and last name and birthdate and/or age of person picking up food for household

Household address and/or zip code

First names and birthdate and/or age of everyone in household

Bags or a box to take your food with you.

Who to Contact

For more information about this program and to answer any questions , please contact our Springbrook Mobile Food Bank Coordinator, Tawsha Sturlaugson at 253-383-5048 or info@foodconnection.org