Creative Ways to Give

When we feed others, we affirm our shared dignity as one human family. Many supporters have found creative ways to extend this spirit into their network of families, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

By giving, you’ve magnified your ability to change the lives of others. Each meal’s worth of food that is served at the St. Leo Food Bank only costs about 28 cents. That means that each $20 you give will feed a family of four for over a week. Similarly, a monthly or quarterly gift is a valuable way to support hungry families throughout the year. For example:

$83 per month feeds a family of four for the year.

$50 per month provides infant formula to a family for a year.

$25 per month supports a child in the Backpack Program and Summer Meals for the year.

Amazon Smile

For 2019, all proceeds received through the St. Leo Parish Amazon Smile will go toward feeding hungry families in our community. Using Amazon Smile is the same as shopping on Amazon, you even use the same account, but 0.5% of your purchase goes to feed hungry families.

In Celebration

Our communities hold an incredible amount of power when we work together. Supporters will often share their abundance by encouraging friends and family members to give for life events like birthdays and weddings. Any donation can be made in honor of an individual. Additionally, we are happy to send a card to the honored individual if given an address!

Office Drives and Corporate Citizenship

Food and fund drives allow supporters to share their passion with coworkers. Many companies also offer a matching gift program, which can double or even triple the impact of the gift you’re already giving.

Stock and Vehicle Donations

Gifts of stock and vehicles are a terrific way to give on behalf of hungry families!

Bequest Giving

Our supporters have a shared passion for helping hungry families in our community, and many choose to continue this work at the end of their lives. Giving in lieu of flowers and honoring a deceased family member with a gift are beautiful ways to remember our loved ones.

If you are looking to create a lasting legacy in our shared community, we are also happy to assist you in including hungry families in your will. To learn more, asking questions, or receive assistance in making your bequest, please contact Lisa Gallegos using the information below.

Who to Contact

To plan an event or discuss different ways of giving, please contact our director, Dawn Whitman, at (253) 383-5048 ext. 1# or at