Upcoming Events

The 14th Annual Meals to Wheels Bike Ride

Join us for the 14th Annual Wheels to Meals Bike Ride. We’re trying a new route out this year at the Salishan Loop. The loop is 1 mile long and you and your team can ride as many times as you’d like! Refreshments and bike support will always be close by as you fight hunger from the seat of your bike.

Past Events

The 4th Annual Make the Connection Breakfast

Our annual breakfast was more successful than ever this year! Business leaders, judges, educators and administrators, and other working professionals came together to raise over $50,000 for hungry families in our community. That’s over 210,000 meals for people who rely on our emergency food assistance programs.

Thank You to the Breakfast Sponsors!

The 3rd Annual Hunger Ball

Check out some of the great photos taken of our third annual Hunger Ball. Over 140 people came together on October 13th to dance the night away while fighting for hungry families in their community.

The 13th Annual Meals to Wheels Bike Ride

This year, we unfortunately had to cancel the official Meals to Wheels bike ride, but that didn’t stop our supporters from riding to fight hunger in Pierce County. They organized their own rides across the county to raise money for hungry families. None of this would have been possible without your dedication and support. Thank you for riding and sponsoring!

Beers and Bagging

Having a delicious beer from Wingman while helping to fight hunger in our community? It’s a win-win! Stay tuned as we plan our next Beers and Bagging event.